In my free time I like to design games. I find it fun and relaxing. These are the games i co-created in the recent years with a friend of mine Barnabás Lászlóffy. He did the coding and i worked on the overall designs.
Click on the pictures if you want to learn more or download them.

Turbo Gravball was the fourth game i co-created with my friend. It has won first place in the 2016 Function demoscene contest, in gamedev category. It is an air hockey game where you can catch and shoot the ball with your racket. The twist is, there is a huge “black hole” in the middle of the field, so players have to adjust the trajectory of their shot accordingly. The game was made in Unity and took a week and a half to finish.
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Jupiter Lander HD started out as a “techdemo” for Astrons. We used it to benchmark the physics engine, map editor, GUI editor, XHTML and lua integration. As we played around and tweaked the demo we eventually realized that the demo itself became so much fun that we had to turn it into an actual game. I thought it would be fun to recreate one of my favorite Commodore 64 games, Jupiter Lander , and give it a “HD remix” look. It was an extremely fun project and we had a lot of laughs while making it. Jupiter Lander HD has won first place in the 2015 Function demoscene contest in gamedev category.
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Astrons was the first serious full feature project i made with my friend. It’s a 2D physics based sandbox game where you can create your own space vehicles from the ground up with the ingame ship editor, use them to gather resources by mining and crafting and upgrade your tech to progress the story. Sadly, we had to stop the project in a pre-alpha state as it took up too much time and resources.
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Logo was made back in 2013. We wanted test the waters with several game engines and get acquainted with the Unity engine. We used this game to make the process more fun. The game’s concept came from my friend, who wanted to recreate one of his favorite DOS games which shared the same name.
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